Kershaw County Sheriff’s Office
821 Ridgeway Road
P.O. Box 70
Lugoff, SC 29078

(803) 425-1512

Kershaw County Sheriff’s Office
Mission Statement

It is the Mission of the Kershaw County Sheriff’s Office to partner with our community to provide quality public safety and public service to all citizens and visitors of Kershaw County. We are dedicated to conducting ourselves in a manner worthy of the trust that has been placed upon us.


Donations to this memorial will be accepted via check or money order at the Kershaw County Sheriff’s Office.

All donations should be made out to the Kershaw County Sheriff’s Foundation.

You may mail any donations to:

Kershaw County Sheriff’s Office

821 Ridgeway Road

Lugoff, SC 29078

You are also welcome to bring any donations in person.


**When submitting a donation please include your name (as you would like it to appear on your spot) and contact information. Spots are limited and will be allocated on a first come first served basis. If the spot for your donation is no longer available you will be contacted with options.


For the first time in history, we are proud to announce your Kershaw County Sheriff’s Office is officially a state accredited law enforcement agency. The process took about four years and included the successful completion of over 300 required standards. Only 12.5% (34 of 272) of South Carolina Law Enforcement agencies are SCLEA accredited.

What is South Carolina Law Enforcement Accreditation (SCLEA)?

South Carolina Law Enforcement Accreditation (SCLEA) is the official South Carolina state accrediting body and is responsible for administrative tasks associated with accreditation. Since 1999 SCLEA has been recognized as a means of maintaining the highest standards of law enforcement accreditation. The SCLEA Accreditation Program is a voluntary initiative for professional improvement, fashioned in ways that best meet local needs while simultaneously expressing commitment to professional law enforcement practices. Standards for the program are developed from multiple sources, including South Carolina State Law, stakeholder expertise and best business practices. The standards are designed to be attainable for all South Carolina agencies, regardless of size. All SCLEA standards are mandatory and have specific requirements the agency must address, the actual way the standards are met is determined by the agency CEO. The program is managed and directed by the governing council of South Carolina Law Enforcement Accreditation, Inc., a non-profit corporation. Council members meet quarterly to oversee the accreditation process and to officially accredit agencies that have proven their adherence to the program's meticulous review process. Click HERE for more information on South Carolina Law Enforcement Accreditation.

The Kershaw County Sheriff’s Office is participating in the CALEA Law Enforcement Accreditation Process.

As a part of this process, we provide an opportunity for public feedback via the CALEA Portal which can be accessed using the following link. Please keep in mind, CALEA is not an investigatory agency and therefore the portal should not be used to submit information for this purpose. We thank you for your feedback.

The purpose of this public portal is to receive comments regarding our compliance with CALEA Law Enforcement standards, engagement in our service community, effective delivery of public safety services, and our overall commitment to maintaining accredited status.  These comments can be in the form of commendations, or to express concerns.  The overall intent of the accreditation process is to provide our agency with information it can use to support continuous improvement as we pursue professional excellence.

Please keep in mind, CALEA is not an investigatory agency and therefore the portal should not be used to submit information for this purpose.

Additionally, while you will receive a response acknowledging receipt of your submission, no other responses will generate.  The information provided will be considered as the context relates to relevant standards and the tenants of CALEA accreditation.

When obtained, CALEA accreditation (National Accreditation) will maintained by the Kershaw County Sheriff’s Office along with the current SCLEA accreditation (South Carolina Accreditation).

Services & Feedback

The Kershaw County Sheriff’s Office values your opinion and works hard to provide the highest level of public service possible to the citizens and visitors of Kershaw County.

Please use these forms to share your experiences, request services or information, file a commendation or complaint, report criminal activity, or just let us know how we’re doing.

All forms are forwarded directly to members of your KCSO.

If you are interested in participating in a Ride Along with a KCSO Deputy, please call the Sheriff’s Office to request more information.

Fingerprinting services available at the Kershaw County Detention Center. Click HERE to contact KCDC.

  • This form is used to let us know when you feel that your KCSO deputies are doing a great job.

    Citizen's Commendation Form

  • This form is used when you feel that our deputies have not lived up to your expectations. All complaints received are subject to a thorough and impartial investigation.

    Citizen's Complaint Form

  • We appreciate your feedback and input. It all helps to make your KCSO perform at a higher standard.
    Please use the survey below to tell us about your experience with the Kershaw County Sheriff’s Office.

    Citizen Satisfaction Survey

  • This form is used to report criminal activity.

    Criminal Activity Report Form

  • Please use the form below to submit an online FOIA request. If you wish to submit your FOIA request using an alternate method you can do so by clicking HERE.

    Freedom of Information Act Request Form

  • KCSO offers funeral escorts free of charge to the citizens of Kershaw County. You can request a funeral escort by sending an email to the address below.


  • Please use this form to request assistance with completing your annual HR-218.

    Once enough requests are recieved, a day at the range will be scheduled and you will be advised.

    HR-218 Request

  • Follow the link below to get more information on how to obtain a Nonferrous or Precious Metal Permit in Kershaw County.

    Metal Permits

  • If you wish to request that your KCSO check on your property while you’re away please complete the form below.

    Property Check Request Form

  • If you wish to report an issue with the traffic in your area please submit the form below.

    Traffic Complaint Form


The Kershaw County Sheriff’s Office is always accepting applications from any qualified individuals ready to answer the call and are prepared to serve the citizens and visitors of Kershaw County. You do not have to have prior law enforcement experience. When you complete the rigorous hiring process the KCSO will assist you with getting your certification through the South Carolina Criminal Justice Academy (SCCJA).

There are several specialty teams and divisions within the Kershaw County Sheriff’s Office for you to work towards joining. You are always welcome to work towards joining one of these teams to include ride-alongs in your off time to see if you believe you’ll be a good fit for the team. 

The list of  minimum qualifications are shown on this page. If you want more information on the hiring requirements and process you can click HERE

Minimum Qualifications

  • Must have High School Diploma or GED.

  • Must be at least 21 years of age.

  • Must be a US Citizen.

  • Must have a clear criminal history.

  • Driving record must not show a disregard for the law.

  • Credit history must show sound financial management with the ability to keep accounts paid up-to-date.

  • Pass an aptitude test, physical fitness test (PAT), psychological examination, polygraph examination, drug screening, and staff interviews

  • Successfully complete training at the South Carolina Criminal Justice Academy



Current Career Opportunities



  • Must possess Juris Doctorate Degree from an accredited law school

  • Must possess and maintain membership in good standing with the South Carolina Bar

  • Must have satisfied Rule 403 requirements

  • Must possess a valid state driver’s license

  • Drug screening, credit check, delinquent tax check, SLED background check, and grievance check required

*All Class I and Class III Advanced positions will require pre-employment testing for candidates not certified by the SCCJA.

Current vacancies updated November 1st, 2024

*Starting salary contingent on satisfactory completion of the Basic Law Enforcement Program at the SCCJA and includes Patrol Holiday Pay. There must be an available position before a formal offer can be made.

Meet The Sheriff

Kershaw County Sheriff Lee Boan was sworn into office in January 2019. He is a life-long Kershaw County resident with 30 years of law enforcement experience in City, County, and State agencies: Camden Police Department, Kershaw County Sheriff’s Office, and the South Carolina State Law Enforcement Division (SLED). Sheriff Boan holds two Master’s Degrees (Master of Science in Criminal Justice & Master of Public Administration) and is a graduate of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) National Academy - Session #267.

Sheriff Boan retired from the South Carolina Army National Guard where he served 25 years, and completed two combat deployments. He retired as a Major and was honorarily promoted to Lieutenant Colonel at his retirement ceremony. Sheriff Boan retired from his military service during his campaign to commit all of his time to being the Sheriff for Kershaw County.

Sheriff Boan is happily married to Jennifer McElveen-Boan. They have two sons, three grandsons, and new granddaughter.

Kershaw County Sheriff’s Foundation

Click HERE to visit the website or click the image to visit the Kershaw County Sheriff’s Foundation Facebook page!

Stay connected with us on social media



KCSO Hall of Fame

The purpose of this page is to honor the Kershaw County Sheriff’s Office deputies, and other law enforcement officers who lost their lives while on duty serving the citizens of Kershaw County.